Case Studies

Federal Government
Capture Campaign

  • Challenge: A large Norwegian client needed assistance with entering the complex food subsistence marketplace across the Department of Defense (DoD).  
  • Our Solution: We built a tailor-made, multi-partner team to match our client’s unique needs and executed an integrated capture campaign that included congressional lobbying, outreach to multiple federal agencies, and private sector partnerships with several emulsion companies.  
  • Results: Over the span of just a few months, we successfully closed the gap between DoD’s deficiencies and requirements by developing important relationships with the Combat Capabilities Development Command in Natick, MA, and inserting key language in the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act.

State Government
Capture Campaign

    • Challenge: A connected vehicle data client needed assistance with developing a strategy to encourage more cities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and state departments of transportation (DOT) to purchase our client’s vehicle data.
    • Our Solution: GTC 360° Advisors worked very closely with our client’s public sector sales team, marketing team, and SDR team to create targeted outreach campaigns focused on multiple state DOT offices and third-party validators. We also focused on key transportation-related grant programs, with an eye towards identifying and recommending grant funding (both formula and competitive) from which to fund purchases of our client’s vehicle data. We created a multi-touch point process by which specific team members would engage with customer targets depending on the maturity stage of a particular funding stream.  
    • Results: Through our work, the client successfully obtained a state-wide contract with the Texas Department of Transportation, the third largest DOT in the country, with more on the way. Our team also partnered with multiple cities, MPOs, and DOTs to insert purchases of its vehicle data inside application budgets for several grant programs pre-submission, and now those grants are being awarded and several more on the way with pending budgets pre-baked for our client. In addition, we deepened relationships with the eligible entities (cities, MPOs, and DOTs), which have resulted in direct purchases of our client’s vehicle data for additional applications.  

Developing Innovative Carbon Credits for Indoor Agriculture

  • Challenge: The U.S. Congress and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) identified a need for more climate-smart agricultural commodities across the United States.  USDA issued a competitive grant funding announcement for climate-smart commodities across a range of agricultural products. 
  • Our Solution: GTC 360° Advisors teamed with an innovative indoor hydroponic produce company to form a consortium of minority producers and a historically black university (HBCU) to develop and submit a proposal for the USDA Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Funding Opportunity
  • Results: Our consortium was awarded a $5 million grant in 2023 to engage in a three-year pilot project to create a sustainable market for climate-smart commodities and carbon credits by implementing production practices that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through advanced indoor farming techniques in food deserts with a focus on participation from minority universities and underserved/minority producers. GTC 360° Advisors serves as a project partner and will develop a baseline of climate-smart practices and resulting GHG reductions, and then manage the development and approval of a carbon reduction methodology with an established carbon registry to generate and trade carbon credits. 

The right strategy for your organization is just moments away. Contact GTC 360° Advisors today.