Behavioral Change Messaging

Key Personnel

George C. Tagg, Jr.

Michael Choi

Lizzy Peake

GTC 360° Advisors develops and executes impactful strategies and campaigns built on our deep expertise of how target audiences formulate opinions and make decisions. Our experience in behavior change messaging includes production of a nationwide outreach campaign encouraging public adoption of COVID-19 preventative measures. 

Behavioral Change Messaging Tailored to Your Target Audience 

  • Our team designs and institutes impactful strategies and meaningful campaigns for our clients, built on a deep understanding of how target audiences formulate opinions and make decisions.
  • A member of our team served as the behavioral change lead for the COVID-19 Public Service Advertising (PSA) and Awareness Campaign. We utilized science-based research to develop the “You Can Do This” slogan used by FDA and HHS in PSAs encouraging the public to get vaccinated. 


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